Young Adult
The education will be efficient in the measure where educating will have chance of free participation, creative and critical, existing a freedom to teach, to learn, as well as divulging the thought, the art and the culture. In agreement Cury, 2000: … the Education of Young Adult represents a social debt repaired does not stop with that it had not had access and nor domain of the writing and reading as property partnerships, in the school or is of it, and has been the force of work used in the constitution of wealth and the rise of workmanships pblicas.' ' Therefore, it appears as a species of function repairman, important for the construction of the citizenship, since the escolarizao promotes the participation in social, economic activities, cultural politics and, beyond being a basic element for the education continued during all the life. (Cury, 2000, p.5) According to Binz (1993): ' ' the learning of the adult if establishes from the relation of the content worked for the professor with exploitation of this content in its practical life, (…) ' '. (…) The adult aims at immediate growth and is therefore that the boardings must be entailed to the reality of the pupil; the resume cannot be static, but to take care of the pupil in its necessities; its individual differences, its rhythm of learning, the luggage of knowledge must be considered that brings obtains and its experiences of life. (BINZ, 1993. p 13) Young chicken (1997) corroborates affirming that: Educator fits to the o to consider educating in its necessities; in its individual differences, in its rhythm of learning, the knowledge luggage that brings obtains and its experiences of life. (…) considering educating as one to be pensante. He is a carrier of ideas and a producer of ideas, endowed frequently with high intellectual capacity. Thus being, it competes to the educator practising a critical method, that gives to the adult pupil the chance to reach an instructed critical conscience, of itself and its world.