United Nations
The same one possesss a system of net of sewer with a percentage of 41%, being as bigger of the region, it has broken importantssima that it adds possibility of growth as portraied in its IDH-Index de Human Desenvolvimento of 0,740? The PNUD – (Program of United Nations for the Development) it is third bigger tax collecting city of ICMS of the State of the Bahia with R$ 212.935.393, 00, the GIP per-captain/year of R$ 5,025, 00 and the total GIP of the 2.608.660 a thousand market prices, data CIS 2004. TABLE 1? ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES AtividadeNmero of Busy estabelecimentosPessoal Indstria9639.727 Comrcio4.29223.207 Servios6.37324.829 Source: Enterprise census? 98. Numbers of establishments in the industry, commerce and services in Fair of Santana. The data of Table 1 of the economic activities they disclose that the industry in Fair of Santana is responsible for a number of establishments of 963, what reverberates in the generation of job of the city occupying in the work ranks 9,727 people in the sector. What it represents for the industry an advance importantssimo, since the types of segments are diversified as: the manufacture of chemical products, clothes, steel mill, paper and packing.
What it attracts these industries for the region? Generally one politics of tax incentives and access on instalments. Companies of transport such as: Nestl, Brasfrut, Tire Pirelli and Siemens amongst others had collected in 2005 the value of R$ 85.1 million ICMS having represented 40.10% of the total collected in the city. As it is seen in Table 1 the commerce is the pursuing of bigger economic importance of the municipal productive structure in income and job generation. According to CIS? 2004, the importance of 4.292 establishments, being 81.4% retailer and 18.6% wholesaler, generating 23,207 jobs right-handers and more than 75 a thousand indirect. In 2007 R$ had been collected 200,5milhes of ICMS representing 66.46% of the total collect in the city.