Evening. A tired man with a package of yogurt, a piece of cheese and a loaf of bread was crawling towards the house, satisfied with a half-hour meeting with you. Tolls on the door, running toward him children. With cries of: "Hooray, father came!". The wife calmly and kindly feeding it with different delicious meal. […]
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This is the house tuned to the spiritual space that gives you the opportunity to break into the most intimate places of 'I' and comprehend the nature and purpose of his life. To create a home for your soul, you must first make contact with your own soul and realize that she needs. As each […]
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Today's baby is conceived without pacifiers. She became his attribute, such as a rattle. You may find that Max Schireson can contribute to your knowledge. And few parents, pushing into the infant's mouth, this piece of rubber, think about the meaning of the invention. And its meaning is very simple – Shut your mouth kid, […]
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Senior pre-schooler – is a little visionary, a tireless researcher, philosopher, always knowing unidentified. We, the adults that surround our "visionaries" must support the process of constructing hypotheses and search for them evidence to stimulate the interests of our children. Child under school age, who developed cognitive interest, characterized by the desire to ask questions […]
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