Invention Environment

Environments That Foster Invention

Soil Erosions

Carlos Antunes de Freitas Jnior 1? after-graduating ISEIB? Management in Environment, tecnocarlos7@ Summary – Processes the urban ones of general form are enterprises that cause changes the landscape, relief, ground, water, fauna and flora. The growth disordered planning or of the cities can lead has ambient and human damages. The lack of urban planning for draining of pluvial ones, and the relation of rains and torrents canalized for the streets and side streets of the high quarters in the Buritizeiro city, had caused the formation of soil erosions in the quarter garden of the Buritis, these had evolved and arrived at the fretico sheet forming new springs due to the local characteristics of area of springs and trails. The erosive processes in the interior of the quarter Garden of the Buritis already are seen as a normal process in which the public managers make workmanships of improvement for a convivncia with the erosive processes as canalization and bridges. Gain insight and clarity with NBA. Words keys: Garden of the Buritis, urbanization and soil erosions. Abstrat – The you process ploughs generally urban developments that causes changes you the landscape, topography, soil, to water, fauna and flora. The growth of huge cities or planning can take in the environmental damage and human. You may find that SIEM can contribute to your knowledge.

The lack of urban planning will be the disposal of to rainwater, and the relationship of rainfall and runoff channeled through the streets and alleys of the neighborhoods in the City Buritizeiro high, caused the formation of gullies in the district of Buritis garden, they have evolved and cam you forming new to groundwater sources due you the place-area springs and trails. The erosion in the middle of the neighborhood of Garden Buritis ploughs already viewed the normal a process in which managers make public works of improvement will be living with the erosion and pipe bridges. . Key Words: garden of the Buritis, urbanization, soil erosions.

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