Serienmailer For Lotus Notes
Personalized mail delivery to customer and business partner IBM Lotus Notes users, that individual and personalized to contact its customers by E-Mail, see the new application “eBox Mailer mail basket” of the company RI-SE Enterprise is a very viable alternative to applications available on the market so far. The database is explicitly designed for the creation of serial mails with minimum effort. Clustered addressing of a new message of the series is quickly done by optionally usable interfaces to existing recipient DatSet (Lotus Notes databases, text files…). The typical advantages of a Lotus Notes application this application course come fully to fruition. An integrated and freely configurable approval procedure, customizable permissions, any number of file attachments per series mail, text blocks and placeholders, and sophisticated configuration options are only some of the quite successful functionality this Lotus Notes database. Especially to highlight would be that the application is already pre-configured for recipient data from the so-called “eBox” the Computing Center of GAD. Thus get credit institutions, which connected the GAD, for the first time to enter a comfortable way, in the form of personalized serial mails with their “online banking customers” directly in contact. This is also seen, that the original version of this database was a job programming in a cooperative bank.
Banks can now effectively use the mailer within the company for marketing and information purposes. Extensive and continuous loggers, as well as copies of every sent email should satisfy even the most critical reviewers. A further and very successful functionality of the application is that the routine of mail dispatch is started on a Lotus Notes client but ultimately executed by the server. The consequence is that the Notes client of the employee is not blocked during the mail sending and This can focus on other tasks. Once the server has completed sending mail, the initiator of the order receives a completed mail from the server. As the manufacturer on this software has focused on the really important things, the application makes a very tidy impression without sacrificing the necessary functions of a modern Serienmailers. Appealing and clearly designed navigation elements let go quite easily and without any long settling by the hand work with this Lotus Notes database. “Post basket of eBox Mailer” is a quite looking at value alternative to conventional series mailers and brings a lot of benefits that are due to the system environment, with thanks to the functionalities of database in Lotus Notes.