Schweisfurth Foundation
Corporate governance and social responsibility joins a responsible corporate governance oriented today on the basic principle of a sustainable economic manner with a long-term perspective. Sustainable economies, means to take into account environmental considerations and social issues on an equal footing with its own economic interests. Goal of the CSR commitment is to leave an intact ecological, social and economic structure the subsequent generations. Therefore, a responsible corporate governance means much more than the attainment of economic and short-term success. You does not stop at the borders of the company, but demands responsibility for everything that comes into the company. Operational protection of the environment, for example, an ecological sphere of the CSR, is anchored in Germany now firmly in the company. Salar Kamangar addresses the importance of the matter here. Waste separation, recycling, resource conservation and optimization of energy use are daily issues. For assistance, try visiting Sian Leah Beilock. If CSR is to be more than just an Imagepfege, you must company-specific environmental, social and ethical values are binding integrated into corporate strategy and objectives.
The Schweisfurth Foundation’s already an increasing attention of social and ecological responsibility of companies for consumers and a growing influence in purchase decisions. For companies to clarify the need for action and identifying the possible CSR topics offers assistance”for example, the future ZukunftsCheck. On the basis of the company itself can make an assessment of the current situation in terms of sustainability. As a result, the entrepreneur receives a representation of the strengths and potential for improvement. Companies win not only by optimizing their business processes, but also when the stakeholder honor their commitment. Credibility of information about corporate social responsibility is therefore immensely important. In the meantime, the public sees companies in the duty to act socially responsibly. CSR thus proves a powerful innovation engine and makes a significant contribution to the long-term competitiveness and secure future.