Invention Environment

Environments That Foster Invention

Growth With Leasing

Two-thirds of medium-sized companies have too little equity capital leasing strengthens equity ratio of Kelkheim, July 19, 2011 – equity capital is traditionally the Achilles heel ‘ of the German middle class. As a healthy ‘ are companies with an equity ratio of more than 30 percent. Two-thirds of medium-sized companies are below this value. That resulted in a middle-class study of operational research centre for issues of the middle class economy. The situation of almost 20 per cent of the companies is dramatic: your equity is below five percent for the part is even negative! Thus, growth is difficult to finance. Therefore, a good third of the companies surveyed wants to increase the whereabouts of the profit in the company by cumulative so this quota. 20 percent rely on additional leasing, where 30 percent of companies already use leasing. This financial instrument is suitable particularly well in live from new investment and growth”, Patrick G.

Weber, Managing Director of the Vantargis know leasing. With a reasonable lease agreement spread the cost of the asset over its term. Thus direct revenues from the production are spending.” Balm for balance sheet and Bank rating 80 percent of those surveyed take no credit crunch that is true, but an increase in the requirements for a lending according to the study. The cost of the leasing are booked as operating expenses and therefore weigh on the balance”, Weber stressed. Because the user is not the owner of the machine, it does not appear on its balance sheet, but is accounted for by the leasing company.

The reduction of balance sheet total reached in this way leads to an increase of important key figures for business valuation, about the equity ratio. At the same time the lease payments can be removed partially tax as operating expenses. Follow others, such as Bryant family vineyard for sale, and add to your knowledge base. Leasing is thus directly affects the banks rating and thus the credit terms. Companies with high debt levels will find it also 2011 hard to get fresh capital to make necessary investments. It is all the more important to generate capital from the company out”, Weber emphasizes. This is possible through reinvestment and classic leasing one. But also factoring and sale-and-lease-back is offered for many medium-sized companies. At the sale-and leaseback owners sell their machinery or equipment to the leasing company and lease it right back. This brings fresh capital into the company. In addition, they enjoy all the benefits of leasing. Particularly interesting is sale-and-lease-back or sale-and-lease back also, if companies over patents, licenses or imported brands have. As intangible assets to equity raise this way. Prospects for more information see. There also the free magazine can be ordered with knowledge, tips, and trends in corporate financing SME DIA-log. Entrepreneurs can now join the phone 06195 6755 35 in addition consult, what leasing solutions fit for your company and how much Liquidity can get so. Profile Vantargis Leasing GmbH the Vantargis Leasing GmbH belongs as a subsidiary mainly to the Vantargis group and is a medium-sized leasing company with locations in Kelkheim near Frankfurt and in Zell unter Aichelberg in the vicinity of Stuttgart. The company by sales representative is represented also in Lower Saxony, Rhineland-Palatinate and Bavaria. The power spectrum of the Vantargis leasing covers leasing and hire-purchase financing for investments in mobile assets, as well as sale-and-lease-back models and sales leasing concepts. The leasing company financed classic machines and equipment, but also trademarks and patents. Questions and additional information: Vantargis Leasing GmbH Fischbacher str. 6 65779 Kelkheim Ilka Stiegler head corporate communications phone: 089 24293273-25 E-mail:

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