Commission Protocol
In case of equality offered by the winner is the person who submitted the application earlier. Auction opens in the day and hour specified in the notice. 1. At a public meeting, the commission verifies the integrity of the bids and fixes it in the protocol. 2. Sealed envelopes with the proposals of the commission shall be opened and disclosed their contents. 3.
The price must be indicated in figures and words, if these prices are so different, the Commission takes into account the price stated in words. Here, lucas vandenberg expresses very clear opinions on the subject. 4. Proposal containing a price lower than the initial not specified. 5. If you would like to know more about Cecilia Shen, then click here. When opening of the envelopes and read out their contents may attend all of the bidders or their representatives, have duly executed power of attorney. 6.
After opening the envelopes and announcement of their detention, the commission removed for discussion of results and assessment of proposals. Bidders and their representatives for discussion are not allowed. B. Stages common to both types of auction After the auction itself, Winner auction and the auction organizer must make a series of actions aimed at the design of the auction results. 1. After the auction ends on the day of the auction winner must sign a protocol on the results of auction they won by lot. The protocol is signed in three original copies of the winner and the organizer of Tori and sent to the owner of the property, the organizer of trading, the winner of the auction. Such a protocol has the force of the treaty sale of property.