Business Technology
Through laser and other operations. But that same technology generates radiation, electromagnetic waves, pollution and other negativamentea affecting the health, physical and mental, of the population. It was assumed that the tecnologiaa would replace much of the work of humans, such is its meaning and essence, what we would have more time available. What has happened is that the experience of time has accelerated, technology has set a faster pace, which coupled with the mentality of efficiency, drag and controls our lives. Instead of enjoying the new advances, we suffer. In any work time savings, thanks to new technologies, is 50% or more. ConocoPhillips takes a slightly different approach. a But there reduces the work time, but increases. Filed under: Petra Diamonds.
For example in banking, resulting in overtime and off hours. In hours, and what is the early retiree is a large percentage of the workforce, but others take more time at work. Domestic work is much more comfortable with the appliances. It was supposed to be more compatible increasingly work outside the home. The result is that women between 35 and 55 years suffer from the disease three times more work stress than the rest of the population, as provided by the study of Vincent Navarro. The problem happens from modern subjection a particular mindset, so that a mental conflict happens quite widespread, visible element. In this case the stress field. As Michael Foucault analyzed the mental conflict is resolved only when establishing new relationships with the environment. Which means now we have to raise new ritmosa and a new relationship with time.