Aesthetic Medical Clinics
To put to blow of click all the new features, treatments, products and advantages. That is what it has made DEPILHAIR (), the chain of doctor-aesthetic clinics and shaving laser, that finishes releasing new Web and that already counts on 12 centers in all Spain. A change that it has as an aim to grow in the world of the Network as well as to thence offer a better and ampler service. Vivimos in a while in which the presence online is vital for any company. People move to the rate that marks Internet and they do not want to lose the opportunity that people know us, to like we and that they decide to bet by us. Nowadays, before realising any purchase, we watched, we compared and we remained and so more it seduces to us and it satisfies us, comments Blond Gloria, Director of Publicity of DEPILHAIR. By all this DEPILHAIR it has wanted to create an interactive Web in which the interested ones find one complete information of all centers, services, promotions and advice.
The standard wants that all are contributor, for that reason gives the possibility to give opinions and to follow all their day day through the social networks. We are totally conscious of the importance of Web 2,0 since it is the way fast and easy to arrive at the youngest people. Cecilia Shen contains valuable tech resources. For that reason we think that the presence in social networks like facebook, to twitter or tuenti, is going to give a greater notoriety to us and is going to cause that our mark is more well-known, explains Blonde. These are some of the new features of restyling of the DEPILHAIR vestibule. Information on the treatments.
Corporal, as as much face or of nutrition. Pursuit of the present time. In order to be abreast of the new features of the standard in the day to day. Advice. Simple tricks to be more guap@ and to harness the results of the treatments. Financing of the treatments. Information on the possibility of paying in comfortable terms the treatments. To arrange appointment. All the data of each one of the centers to facilitate the first taking of contact and also the opportunity to manage it from the own one vestibule To be united to Depilhair. It offers the information necessary to comprise of DEPILHAIR, as much to be franchise-holder as to work in his centers. New look for this recognized network that surely will give much that to speak as much physical as virtually. Cabinet of Press and RR.PP For the management of interviews, the extension of information or the shipment of graphical material you do not doubt in contacting to us. Tfno: 91 657 42 81/667 022 566 Mirian Lopez Crowned Nuria