Placing them mouth he arrives to exhibit the last letter of each pile. the interpretation of these three letters in sequence, gives a general concept of the problem. 6. The interpreter will unite the three piles now mouth arrives, one upon another one, so that Baraja is as it was when finishing shuffling the subject. 7. The interpreter will place the deck of 77 letters, mouth down, and to come to select letters, one after another one, putting them in the positions indicated according to the chosen scheme of which they explain themselves next: The answer of the destiny. Seven letters plus the letter of the consulting one.
Answer a question of great importance. Required time of 15 to 30 minutes. Steps to follow: to exactly fulfill the numbered steps from the one to the seven, in the methodologic section, later: To place mouth under seven first letters the positions indicated in the scheme, underneath the letter of the consulting one. He is always preferable to place letters mouth arrives, as it is read them. The interpretation in sequence from the one to the seven will give a general concept of the problem. To take letters of the ends finally placing them and reading them in order 1-7 2-6 3-5 and the 4, this last letter in which governs or dominates the subject. Study of the life against destiny. 21 letters plus the letter of the consulting one.
Answer a question of importance, in detail time required of 45 to 60 minutes steps to follow: to exactly fulfill the numbered steps from the one to the seven, the section methodology, later to place mouth down the 21 first letters, underneath the consulting letter of, the exhibitions indicated in the scheme. And putting the mouth above measured that is read. Thus we have a general concept of the subject in sequence takes to the letters of the ends placing legend following one.