The Choice Of Mixer
It's no secret that the mixer is a basic tool dj. It is through this device and is mixing multiple audio sources into a single signal, so that we can enjoy electronic music and surprising new compositions. The choice of the dj console – is no easy matter, and not just for beginners. The longer a person engaged in music, the more claims he comes to hardware, and it natural and important especially for DJs. With increasing abilities to the game, usually increases, and a set of equipment, and an increase in equipment is required and a remote with more features. It is hardly necessary to recall the role of functionality, convenience and personal comfort in the reduction of platelets, each dj eventually makes its own demands on DJ-mixer, comparing his ability to play and to characterize the behavior of remote work. So, before how to begin consideration of models, define some terminology and a device dj mixer.
Most inexpensive remotes contain usually two to three channels. Each channel – a dedicated line for a signal from the Player goes to the line input and then converted inside the console mixing with the signal of another channel, or changes to equalization or by using the built-in effects. Each channel in addition to line- must be supplied with Phono input for the player. The more channels includes control, the more sound sources can be connected, respectively, acquiring multi-channel console, jockey widens scope for implementation their creative ideas. On the other hand, a greater number of channels is reflected in the price, takes up more desk space and can not fit.