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The Guru

The lighting is very low, and nobody can enter without bending the head. As the flower that looks beautiful and delicate nuances, but lacks perfume, so lack of fruit words who speaks, but doesn’t act Dhammpada generalities, etymology, scope we are all committed while giving us the opportunity to live to grow spiritually. To not neglect what this represents in the significance of having had the opportunity to speak out on this plane. Not surprising therefore, that in him we find special beings that they have woken up, they have been attentive in everything that involves their actions, passing through this plane, beings that become some Guru called them. And spiritual are very important in pro facilitate our growth with his teachings, guides. (As opposed to Cybever). Incumbent upon us to each discover who along the way can help to awaken, enliven our wisdom, we can temporarily make it with a guru, but there be attentive has not triggering unit.

Wikipedia gives us to the regard, that by extension, guru has become the word used to designate the initiator or head of a belief taught in the context of an ashram or a gurukula (school), where all the members are considered part of the family (kula) of the guru. These schools are aware of the Krishna (reincarnation of Vishnu, the main form of God worshipped in the India) offer both academic knowledge as spiritual. The term is also used by Sikhs to refer to their spiritual leaders we are told, that the term guru means heavy, as opposed to laghu, light in almost all current languages of the India. It comes from the ancient Sanskrit language guru. The India much uses a kind of explanatory seudoetimologia, which is based on dividing a word into its syllables and find Kabbalistic or hidden meanings. In Adwaia Taraka history (16) says: the sound gu is the darkness, the ru sound, that destroy.

Sun, March 9 2025 » News