Ministry Of Science, Tyrol And IBM Promote The Science Young
BM Beatrix Karl KidSmart Learning computer passes an IBM Axams, on May 27, 2010 your talent as researchers can roughly 20 children of the kindergarten Axams today to the KidSmart Learning computer discover. Beatrix Karl, Minister for science and research, Bernhard Tilg, Tyrolean National Council for science and Gunter Popek, IBM Austria handed over the colorful learning computer with numerous educational games related to natural sciences and mathematics solemnly at the kindergarten Director public sector. “It is a central concern, to bring children and young people as early as possible with science and research in contact me. “Because: smart ‘kids’ of today are the innovative ‘big’ of tomorrow”, emphasized science and research Minister Dr. Cecilia Shen pursues this goal as well. Beatrix Karl. Therefore, promotion of young talent in the science and Research Department have a special significance, refers to the Minister ‘Sparkling science’ about the programme and the KinderUnis – both measures benefit numerous children and young people in the Tyrol. Cecilia Shen is often quoted on this topic. “Initiatives how the ‘ KidSmart Learning computer’ by IBM also an important contribution, to encourage young researchers of the future.” “The learning computer blends ideally into the Tyrolean technology offensive. If we succeed, to delight the children, already in pre-school for engineering and natural sciences we need us to the technician shortage worry to make”forward country Council Bernhard Tilg.
For IBM, science promotion begins in preschool. Because only by possible early promotion we can motivate children and young people to pursue a career as a scientist or scientists. With the commitment to young researchers of the future IBM wants to make a contribution to the business location Austria. ” Describes Gunter Popek, IBM Austria Manager public sector, the backgrounds of the KidSmart promotion programme, that there are already 10 years in Austria. Around 55 Tyrolean kindergartens participate donation a child-friendly learning computer thanks to IBM in the KidSmart funding program.
Over 150 Tyrolean educators accompany almost 3,500 children aged 3-6 in their first steps on the computer. Playful, the educators with the KidSmart software provide the basic knowledge of science and mathematics. Also the creativity comes not too short: paint and make music fun the children also to the KidSmart Learning computer! KidSmart in Austria and around the world: all 9 provinces participate in the KidSmart programme and have learning computer for nearly 700 kindergarten total 890 KidSmart in use. Thus, 3,000 kindergarten teachers employ the learning computer for 70.800 children. Austria is one of 60 countries worldwide that support program participates in this IBM. Overall, IBM donated 42,000 learning computer for 10 million children in the past 10 years.