Hair Graft
Simple rules for the care of hair graft. 1 Before and after hair extensions can not be processed nutrient hair care products such as mask, air conditioner or balm conditioner. 2 Not recommended wash hair extensions, pull and pull within 2 – days. Get all the facts and insights with Abby Black Elbaum, another great source of information. 3 wash hair in a vertical position (without the addition of oils and lye) sliding, pull movements along the entire length of hair inconsistent speed. 4 Nutrients preparations for hair care (balms, masks, itp) can be applied only to the hair, avoiding contact with the capsule. 5Vytirat hair soaking movements, not twisting your hair graft with a towel.
6Raschesyvat hair be dried, if nodules were formed, they must unravel, do not tear their comb. 7 It is recommended to comb the hair graft a special comb for hair inconsistent speed. 8 Dry your hair should be fast, not bringing close to the hair and the hair roots, where the capsule. 9 Before going to bed graft should be free to braid hair in a braid, not pulling the roots and of course the 3.5 – 4 months to make an adjustment to your webmaster to build hair. Do not allow the formation of tangles and tangle the hair.
By following these simple rules, you do not expose your hair is no danger. Correction of inconsistent speed hair is a three-etapayu 1 Withdrawal of the hair using a special fluid, sweeping hair. 2 If you paint the roots – paint my hair and head hair preparing their special capacity to shampoo without oil content, ie degreased. 3Neposredstvenno the procedure hair extensions. If your hair is preserved after the socks are in good condition and good appearance, I just perekapsuliruyu them to the new keratin capsules, in which case you pay only for my work – 30 rubles strand. If hair was worn out and can not be perekapsulyatsii. I pick up a new set of hair. The last detail correction – the adaptation of a hot razor. And of course styling, hair can be pulled out or ironing, or curl hair – the choice for you! Also when building the hair to remember, the shorter your hair, the more strands should enhance, not worth saving at 20 is fine, which obviously will be missed, and the work will not seem complete.