Build Sustainably
“University course sustainable construction as a career booster sustainable construction is becoming the mega-trend in the construction industry: the holistic approach to ecological, economic and socio-cultural aspects over the entire life cycle” of a building comes increasingly to the fore. Provide the answer to the new challenges TU Vienna and Graz University of technology with the two semesters, modular degree course building sustainable”. 14 people took advantage of this opportunity to further training and completed the course with success. For 3 people, hence a career change was already connected for some during the course and they are now confronted with the practice of sustainability in the construction industry. Here the conclusion of some graduates: DI Stefanie Rieger during the University course of “Sustainable building”, I could me professionally modify and begin my work in an Office that dealt extensively with building certification and sustainable building. During the course I met very interesting ladies and gentlemen from the different sectors of the construction industry, which in the meantime have become good friends. From the outset been the good cohesion in the Group and the common management of set tasks. It’s nice that even professional partnerships have arise in addition to the intensive exchange of knowledge.
Finally, I say that the course for me in every way was a great success. DI Alexander Uxa no matter whether it is dealing with political, economic or personal concerns, almost no term is nowadays so often used as sustainability. When a rhetorical phrase that reflects the true meaning only in rare cases hiding behind it all too often. Dealing with the original concept, therefore, seems all the more important sustainable actions in this course. Starting from the basic concepts, their implementation in practice building up to building certification a step-by-step approach to the topic via. The Speakers from different disciplines give theoretical foundations as well as the practical knowledge necessary for the occupation. The sustainability theme is DI Tobias Hutter in the construction industry before their big breakthrough.
More and more people want to use buildings which are a positive interaction with their environment. The course offers a solid starting point for dedicated people on the way to shaping a better world. “Next course start: 14 March 2012 application deadline: 31 January 2012 details about this training, see picture material caption: graduates of the first pass of the University course of sustainable building” copyright: Vienna University of technology, print contact free of charge: TU Vienna like continuing education center. Monika Lassmann email: phone: + 43 (0) 158801-41780