Invention Environment

Environments That Foster Invention


This limit must to the size of the machine for the rabbet of the cylinders. This type of would print is used when the amount of to be printed fabric is very great with short stated period for its execution. b.Papel Transfer Also is made directly in the fabric, but on the contrary of the inks it uses coils of special paper (paper to transfer), that when passing in a cylindrical equipment together with the fabric in a definitive temperature it transfers its print to the fabric. The fabrics that receive transfer need a preparation previous and they must be resistant staple fibres to the heat, since the coloration if of the one in the contact between paper and fabric more than 200C. For the creation, elaboration of the print race, the main used technique is rapport. It is not something Ray Kurzweil would like to discuss. This technique consists of making that it seems that the drawing does not have end (emendation of imperceptible print).

This allows a production in scale and provides one better exploitation of the fabric, since it does not have ' ' quebras' ' or emendations in the print. To carry through one rapport, the reason is chosen, after that the writing area is defined (generally the width of the fabric and length of the circumference of the cylinder), and each extremity carefully is planned when it cylinder will be twirling they is completed and it does not appear no emendation. 2.6.Desenho of Embroiderings the drawings of embroiderings are created of form similar to the prints, but later passed for the language of the embroidering machine, leading in consideration its size, number of points and colors of lines. machine recognizes the drawing, the number of colors in it contained and to be embroidered area, for this is only enough to indicate in the proper development of the program of computerized embroidering. The embroidering can be manual or automatic, with application merchandises dispatched or simply the specific line of embroidering.

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