Credit Relief Signals
The credit market is folloied by some different institutions: Central banking, Serasa Experian, Telecheque, ACSP, etc. Moreover, each one present a methodology of different research, what to the times it makes it difficult the accompaniment of the insolvency. However, in all the research if verifies a trend of improvement of the trick in the country. If not a jib, at least a moderate growth. To follow we present the results of surveys on the insolvency divulged in 15 of May of 2009: Consultations to crditoAs consultations to the Central Service of Protection to Crdito (SCPC) of the Trade association of So Paulo (ACSP) had in such a way registered in April fall in the sales at sight (SCPC/Cheque) as the stated period (SCPC). The movement of consultations to the charge account fell 19.1%, of 1,8 million in April of 2008 for 1,4 million in the passed month, and the relative consultations to the sales at sight had lowered 10%, of 2 million for 1,8 million, in the comparison with April of 2008.
In accordance with institution, the result was pulled by the impacts of world-wide the financial crisis and by the holidays accumulated in the April month. The pointer discloses a cooling in the concession of credit, since the consultation is made before loans, opening of charge accounts or check acceptance. The data are of the SPC and the Central Service of Protection to Crdito (SCPC) of 2.118 Brazilian cities. In relation the March of this year, period where the crisis already was reflected in the Brazilian market, the retraction in the number of consultations was lesser. The falls in the sales at sight stated period and had been of 15,9% and 8,8%, respectively. Insolvency according to ACSPAinda in accordance with given of the survey, the insolvency in the sector grew of moderate form in comparison with April of the last year and fell in relation the March of 2009.