ValNEP School
At the moment it is a project of encyclopedic dictionary in the Network and multilingual translator. ValNEP; Support of the ValNEP School, which is works in Internet from 2003. Ma Life; Biographies of excellent people of the Valencian world. The Valencian collection of proverbs; The first collection of proverbs structured and in Valencian in Internet.
Tradux; Translations between the languages Valencian and Castilian and vice versa. Parlem; Support to the frasero of the same name published in digital format. Punts Suspensius. ; Support of the digital magazine of the same name, dedicated to the letters. LArchiu; Article, activity file of Juan Benito, realised interview to diverse personages, review of its acts witnessed by notary public.
In Blau; Part of the signs of identity of the Valencian town. Valencian Millenarian; Spelling, grammar, verbal flexion, flexionados verbs And the disappeared ones Che Chiquets; Dedicated to smallest of the house. Music in Valencian; Dedicated to the adolescents and its musical tastes. Frum; Forum of debate of I extend phantom. Joanot; Store in line for the book sale. On 2003 it founds ValNEP, school of education of the Valencian language through Internet, which consists of two courses, one of them oriented to the castellanohablantes and oriented other to the valencianohablantes. In 2004 he was founding partner of the cultural association, Blue Bow. On 2005 it founds the digital magazine, PeV (Pastimes in Valencian). In 2006 he was partner founder of the cultural association, Sigle XV. Cover in addition in this year, the digital magazine, the Semanari, magazine of general scope. Also in this year its incursion in the world of the media begins, invading it and realising from that year interviews to the people and more excellent organizations of the present world.