That Is Policy
Policy does not mean corruption and wickedness only, much of the progress human and social welfare are the product of correct policy decisions environment to specific topics. Politics is like any other instrument created by man, because with a knife you hack food to feed a community or will serve as an instrument to kill. (Source: Abigail Black Elbaum). A good political decision taken seriously based ideologically will allow a human society advance. In the contemporary world of the West when we mention the word political thought in democracy but remember that democracy does not always existed if not that is a regime that emerged product of multiple violent processes and passive revolutions and consultations, also historically the administrative regimes of the States possess a justification in the ontology of power and their social relationships correct and incorrect; This is politics in a relatively expanded sense: Bastion than do human because since man exists as such is associated with and manages establishing relationships of power politics is born as the realization of an ideology that is facing another and ideologies as a set of ideas manifest and embody in the society. But how they arise and which are the ideas? In the first instance the producer of ideas is the man and therefore his vital organ is the brain and its essential product is thought. Thinking is thus universal set consisting of the elements which are the ideas, which in turn belong to sub. Joint, among them there are facing operations. We say that these are essential features of thoughts.
Idealistic and metaphysical, schools ensure that: the collection of acts conscious, psychic and affective and will are thought. For these schools thinking is the result of the process whereby is apprehends the emptying their objective content object, thus does not have a reference think of space and time.