Brazil Biggest Sectors
As the factor is the controversial results of the Plans of incentive to the launched economic growth and development in recent governments. Being overcome the government Squid, its Plan of Acceleration of the Growth, launched in January of 2007, it had resulted extremely controversial. For As the Rocking of the CAP, of September of the same year, 60% of the actions proposals they were in phase of workmanships and 40% in licensing phase. However, according to Opened ONG Contas, 9.8% of the workmanships of the Program had only been concluded until the 2009 end, beyond the denunciations of corruption that follow any workmanship in Brazil and of critical of that it did not pass of a strategy of electoral propaganda, when grouping the all the expenses of the federal government in an acronym. The CAP 2, due to its proximity with the presidential elections of 2010, still more was criticized and its results had also generated similar quarrels. Thus, Brazil Biggest subentende a rigorous system of control and fiscalization for the Dilma government for realizaodas measured announced, in order to minimize the problems of the programs of previous managements. This plan if detaches for the abrangncia and pelanfase the critical sectors/sensible Brazilians, as of the technology of the information and of softwares, or the incentive to the exporting sectors that are concurring in favorable situation extremely with the Chinese products. Situation this that can be summarized by the expression Brazil Cost: deficient infrastructure, precarious and insufficient system of support and financing to the exportation, high banking interests, deficiency of qualified man power, among others.
This unfair competition/competitiveness lack, over all of the Brazilian industry, can also be viasualizada by the reduction in participation of the manufactured ones in the guideline of Brazilian exportations, of 46,8% in 2008, for 39,4% in 2010, or the commercial deficit Brazil-China in manufactured products, that reached US$ 24 billion in last year e, in 2011, according to calculations of the FIESP, can arrive the US$ 40 billion more than. In this manner, she is necessary to leave of side the miditico enthusiastic tone of the last days and to analyze the Plan of form a little more skeptical. Brazil Biggest, surely, is presented more mature, with a bigger integration with the private and more complete sector, when detaching especially two important sectors, of the technological innovation and of the exportation/the internationalization. Given the objectives of the Plan, however, one high degree of comprometimento is demanded and of integration it enters the governmental areas for the success of the project and a intent look on the problems of execution of the previous Plans. As the former-minister of the Planning said Luiz Fernando Furlan, ‘ ‘ The diagnosis, the analysis of what it needs to be made and urgency of if making are certain.