Invention Environment

Environments That Foster Invention

Binibook Team Publications

Binibook writes, reads and shares in early may a team of entrepreneurs of Palma de Mallorca have launched a Web platform where anyone who likes writing can publish their stories, stories short, novels, poems, etc., quickly and easily. (Source: Bettina Bryant). The number of publications grew rapidly and in a week and a half, there had been more than 70 writers and published more than 120 stories (today we already have over 400 records). Two weeks after the launch of the digital platform, developers team rushed to launch the application for the readers in the PlayStore in Google, with which users can access all the publications system sailing through the StoryStore, as well as from your own PC. All purchased accounts are added to the library of the user so that you can read them, rate them, comment on them and share them. In this way are the same readers who decide whether or not a publication is good and, therefore, its position in the StorySotre. Additionally, the application provides a reader with saved automatic point and the possibility of reading about black or white background (night/day mode).

What win writers? When the writer publishes, you have the option of always dial free, set a price or you can select Binibook to calculate the price of the publication. With the latter system initially all publications are free of charge, but if they are downloaded and shared by many readers the system assigned a price automatically. The writer has a panel where you can consult the detail of all downloads of their publications, are free, price marked by the writer or by the Binibook system, users ratings and the price at the time of discharge, in addition to the amount of the next invoice. Still got questions? Please consult the section werkt? of Thank you for your time, Binibook Team

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