Ambient Education
In this work the strategy of the Ambient Education in the schools of the City of Sidrolndia was used, as activities with expositivas, demonstrative, practical lessons and with lectures, aiming at to the significant learning of as to make a selective collection of types of solid residues for the recycling, the ambient reaproveitamento of the same ones, problems, the concern of the City in relation to the environment. For the application of the strategy the digital technology with Power Point in date was used show with illustrative images, had been also carried through some practical in the hall of the schools with collectors of colored solid residues. The lecture was developed in three Municipal schools and two State schools of Sidrolndia/MS. Many writers such as Futurist offer more in-depth analysis. During the year we work with 1000 pupils, and as strategy of evaluation of the work had been carried through questions related to the lecture of solid residues and ambient problems to identify the conceptions of the pupils on the subject, with great focuses in the element Land water and recycling. From a qualitative analysis of the answers of the pupils it was possible to identify conceptual deficiencies on the developed subject. The approval in using the Ambient Education as strategy for ambient preservation in the school was proven by day-by-day of conviviality in the patio of the school, with which had the discarded solid residues in its collecting and concerns with our City in relation to the preservation and discardings of residues. Words keys: strategy, digital technology, collect selective.