Invention Environment

Environments That Foster Invention


But some cultures would present this pathology in result of its psicossociais characteristics. The cultural pressure is seen as the basic element to cause this type of upheaval, although to be able to be associated to other factors as biological, psychological and familiar factors to generate the extreme concern with the body and the unhealthy terror to get fat. The author places that as our culture is ' ' culture of corpo' ' , it will in such a way have the expression of the Alimentary Upheavals. The author does not make reference to reference the media, having a culturalista conception. 4.2? Annex II (Psychiatry) In this table the media does not present eliciador paper in the development of the Alimentary Upheavals. The authors present the development of the anorexy and bulimia throughout the time, contrasting with the idea of modern illnesses, showing that always they had existed, however with other explanations associates its manifestation. However, for backwards of these other religious explanations, as for example, factors, they would be the attractive will of the loss of feminine, the will to lose weight.

For them the media only folloies the evolution, is the visible art of this process. It is important to look at same media that of accidental form why it represents the society. For Vanessa Pinzon, psychiatrist, exists diverse involved factors in the alimentary pictures in the adolecncia, however the same one makes a relation with the media in its speech. It cites the spreading that the Internet makes of sites incentivadores so that the adolescents practise bulmicos acts and so that they want to be well lean. It presents, therefore, the digital media (blogs) as propayer of such upheavals. 4.3? Annex III (Nutrio and Gastroenterology) In the perspective of the nutrition professional the media also is not a eliciadora, but a propayer of the effective social model where the body each leaner time, gains prominence.

Tue, March 29 2016 » News