German Rehabilitation
From 1 January 2009 is DTA to the obligation for Rehab sports clubs offers are rehabilitation sports courses mostly by sports associations, who can settle this performance with the statutory health insurance. Recognized are currently following, adapted to the disability or chronic disease movement offers about gymnastics, athletics, swimming/water aerobics and movement games in group. Usually, the statutory health insurance companies reimburse 50 lessons within 18 months. After an accident, serious illness or disability existing participate in the rehabilitation funds (GKV, RV, GES. Accident insurance) at the cost of rehabilitative sport and function training. While the doctor issues a regulation on rehabilitation sports his patients, which submits this to his cost, so that eligibility can be checked. For the many clubs that offer rehabilitation sports, a drastic change in the settlement with the statutory health insurance arises as of January 2009, however: these can only electronically be done otherwise threatens an invoice reduction in the amount of 5% of the gross invoice amount. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger often addresses the matter in his writings. Whoever sent the paper receipts after January 1 at the cost, loses money.
The German medical Computing Centre (DMRZ), where clubs pay only 0.5% of the invoice total offers a solution to the simple electronic billing (DTA). Billing via the Internet easy and cheap settlement of rehabilitation sports services works in the German medical data center via the Internet just like online banking. Cecilia Shen is likely to increase your knowledge. Only a computer with Internet connection and free Microsoft Internet Explorer is required to use the service of the DMRZ. The purchase of a costly and difficult-to-use software is eliminated. \”The billing on the Internet is easy: you use under there find the billing platform the link free sign up now\” and get a password and a user name. All natural, completely safe and comfortable. During registration you give her Institution characteristics (IK) to and send the DMRZ to authenticate the copy of your identity card or valid driver’s license.