Invention Environment

Environments That Foster Invention

Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking or Social Bookmarking are a way to store, classify and share links on the Internet or an Intranet. Besides general links markers, there are specialized services in different areas such as books, videos, music, shopping, maps, etc. Social bookmarking also form part of the social news bookmarking like Digg. In a social bookmarking system, users save a list of Internet resources that you consider useful. The lists can be accessed publicly or privately. Other people with similar interests can view the links by categories, tags or random.

They also categorize resources with tags or labels that are words assigned by the resource-related users. Most social bookmarking services allow users to look for markers associated with certain tags and classified in a ranking resources according to the number of users that have marked them. Its popularity is growing and the competition has made that services offer something more than just sharing bookmarks and allow votes, comments, import or export, add notes, send links by email, automatic notifications, rss, create groups and social networks, etc. With the use of these social bookmarking can be achieved more popularity and a good number of inbound links to your website in a few minutes. To do this, you can use several tools. One of them is socialmarker.comPara to start it is necessary to open an account in all social bookmarks that appear on the web and as a recommendation, it is important that we not limit to use this tool only to add our pages, since it could be eat spam, but that we use it to our pages and to add others that may be interesting. A tool is very simple and in a few steps you can get those links: firstly it is more expensive that is to register in each one of the markers.Then enter the url of the page in question, a title and labels.Mark social bookmarking to the you want to enviarY finally send. Esiste other tools, both free as payment as it can be that you can send to 100 social bookmarking. Everything depends on needs. Now well, it it is advisable the use of some of them by the importance and ease with which these inbound links of good quality to your website are achieved.

Sun, September 29 2013 » News