Educative Software
The use of resources of computer science in the psicopedaggica area to give to a great support in the area of the emotion favoring the autonomy and independence of the citizens where we observe the form to work the error in constructive way, raising auto-esteem; it demands limits leading to the control of the anxiety; the work is motivador, therefore it allows the conscience of the proper cognition, attention and memory. Educate yourself with thoughts from Mitchel Resnick. Beyond these factors, still they develop the curiosity, the autonomy, the rapidity of interpretation and reply, the organization in the accomplishment of the tasks, development logical-weather and the concentration to perceive what it must be made.For this reason this article has a grating importance in the psicopedagogicos studies. METHODOLOGY This work is a qualitative study of nature through a case study that has as subject of the masculine sex of 11 years that we will call. the P. Dos Santos, where, it entered the Association of Parents and Friends of Bonanza in the May month the year of 1998. The principle, I could get the following analyses; of Subject Stage III – Entrevistacom the mother Stage IV – Comment in the regular school Stage V – Contribution of educative Computer science in its process of learning 1 Moment initial Comment of the individual with computer 2 Moment Use of Educative Software 3 Moment Construction of the name using the Publisher of text 4 Moment I: Comment of the citizen I go to now abide by the customer. the P. Dos Santos, who, entered the Association of Parents and Friends of Bonanza in the May month the year of 1998.
The principle, I could get the following analyses; The customer. the P. Dos Santos initiated its process of learning evidencing a grandedificuldade in the orality, noconseguia to establish the relation between speaks, written. The thought did not sketch maturity.