Environmental Protection Agency
Etanol: new evaporation of dream You not know energy that inhabits in silence Franz Kafka the brutal one and unknown rise of the prices of etanol in the bombs of the Brazilian ranks in full harvest of the harvest of the sugar cane, that annually occurs between April and November, caused surprise and discomfort to the consumers. The space of etanol in the fuel tanks of the automobiles of the country was evaporated again, the example of what it occurred in the end of years 1980, with the failure of Prolcool, when the prices of the oil had fallen down disastrously from a high place in the international market and the government simply abandoned the program and its millions of adepts. In 1984 the moved vehicles the alcohol represented 94.4% of the total of vehicles in circulation for Brazil; in 1994, only 1%. Etanol is a product of low carbon for catching carbon dioxide of the atmosphere, when of the process of photosyntheses in the formation of the canaviais. In 2010 the Environmental Protection Agency- EPA, greater ambient authority of the United States, classified etanol of sugar cane as one advanced biocombustvel, with reduction of emissions in relation to the 61% gasoline 90% (for comparative effect, the reduction of emissions with etanol of the maize varies of 20% 30%).
For much time the Brazilian government propagated of proud form the positive points of etanol, as its ambient advantages without harming offer of foods or to invade forests. But the product loses participation in the Brazilian energy matrix since 2010. The organized civil society must expel all the force of its quiet energy to charge action of brief restoration of the fantastic Brazilian program of biocombustveis next to the authorities and to the productive chain of the sugar cane. Perspective of long stated period, the performance of the Brazilian sucroalcooleiro industry is indeed positive.